Contents of a Docket Page

Contents of a Docket Page

Case Details Section

At the top of a Docket page, you’ll find case details, including the case number, filing location, courthouse, judge, practice area / matter type, and an Update Case Information link (clicking it will prompt Trellis to refresh the case within 24 hours):


Parties Section

Below that, you’ll find the parties in the case, including the individual litigants as well as their attorneys.  


Case Documents Section

Below that, you’ll find the Documents filed in the case that we have available for download:

  1. Clicking on a View Document button will allow you to view the document for free
  2. Clicking on a Get Document button will allow you to either:
    1. Purchase the document; or
    2. Prompt us to fetch the document and send it to you for FREE if its a Los Angeles or Cook County case (the amount of complementary documents you can fetch from Los Angeles, CA or Cook County, IL depends on your subscription).

🗒️ Click here to learn more what types of documents are included in your subscription for free vs. what types of documents you may purchase for a fee.  


Case Events / Docket Entries

At the bottom of the page, you’ll find the docket entries for the case, View Document and Get Document buttons if applicable, and a mini-search bar to the right which will allow you to search and narrow docket entries:


Case Metadata Links on Docket Pages

On every one of our pages (including Docket pages), you’ll find valuable case metadata for the case that the filed document, ruling, or docket,  is related to. 

  • Wherever you see a link to a judge, clicking the link will bring you to the Judge’s Biography and/or Judge Analytics.  
  • Wherever you see a link to a party name (which includes individual litigants as well as their attorneys), clicking the link will run a search for this party across the jurisdiction you have selected.  Clicking on a party will help you find any other litigation the party has been involved in, both historically and pending.