Judge Analytics

How to Access Judge Analytics on Trellis

Follow these steps to access judicial analytics on state trial court judges!

  1. Click on the Judge Analytics tab at the top of the Trellis homepage.

  2. Select the state your judge is in.

  3. Enter the judge’s last name in the “Filter By Judge” field and click on the judge to access their Judge Analytics Dashboard.  

    🔎  We don’t have Judge Analytics for every judge.  The judge must have a statistically significant amount of data.  We acquire new data on a daily basis.  If the green “Show Judge Analytics Only” button is toggled on, only judges who have Analytics will be displayed.  Trellis has Bios for ALL state trial court judges. If you toggle this button off, the list will also include judges with Bios regardless if they have Analytics.


  4. Click on the Bio, At a Glance, Motions, Outcomes, or Case Milestones tabs to view different types of data on your judge.  


  5. Judge Analytics - Overview - Watch Video